Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome to my world.....or part of it anyway

I've always enjoyed reading blogs, but I never saw myself doing one. Sometimes I wonder if it's a bit narcissistic of me to blog. Would anything I blog about be all THAT interesting?

We'll soon find out.

The purpose of this blog is to document and share my experiences in returning to college. I'll be 45 two weeks after my first class starts, and it's been 22 years since I was in a college classroom. It's really interesting, exciting, and a bit weird.

So, I can ramble on and on, but on January 25th, I start college...again. Yes, it's a junior college, and I'm only after an
Associate's Degree, but the journey to that point will be interesting. I'll try to keep my entries related to these experiences, but who knows. I'm a bit of a blabber and I can be narcissistic.

My two kids are really excited that their dad is in school just like them. My 5 year old son asked if I was going to get a Bakugan lunch box just like him. I think Kindergarten and college might have more in common than I thought.

On January 4th, I take Math and English placement exams, but hey...I paid my tuition deposit today and classes start in just about a month, so I'm officially "in".

If you're interested in how this old man does headed back to college, stick around. I'm really excited.