Sunday, January 31, 2010

Old Habits Die Hard

Right now I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I shouldn't be hard on myself, but I've only read about 3 of the 32 pages of my first homework assignment. I had this habit during my first college career, and I can't allow that to happen again. I could chalk it up to work, being dad, work, and today's really bad cold, but these are cheap excuses. He'll, I'm only taking one class this semester. What will it be like in the fall when I have a full course load? Our first test is in a week too.

Okay. Time to knuckledown. Pouring a cup of tea for my throat, emailing my teacher how I have no voice, but my hacking up a lung is louder than.. And getting the work done.

Thankfully, the reading is interesting.

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